Singing Guide: John Mark McMillan & Sarah McMillan

Singing Guide: John Mark McMillan & Sarah McMillan

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing like John Mark McMillan and Sarah McMillan

John Mark McMillan is an influential Christian singer and songwriter known for his emotive and passionate vocals. His wife Sarah McMillan is also a talented singer and songwriter, known for her beautiful harmonies and heartfelt lyrics. In this article, we will explore the unique vocal techniques of John Mark and Sarah McMillan, and provide practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources you can use to learn to sing like them.

John Mark McMillan's Vocal Technique

John Mark McMillan's vocal style is characterized by its raw emotion and intensity. He often sings with a raspy and gritty vocal quality, which he achieves through a combination of breath support, vocal cord compression, and placement.

To achieve John Mark McMillan's signature vocal style, it's important to work on your breath support and diaphragm control. Singing exercises such as the Farinelli Breathing, breath support exercises, and pitch training can help improve your breath control. Additionally, practicing vocal exercises that focus on compression and placement, such as the singing comfort zone exercise and the mixed voice exercise, can help you achieve John Mark McMillan's vocal raspiness.

Here are some of John Mark McMillan's most iconic songs that showcase his unique vocal technique:

Sarah McMillan's Vocal Technique

Sarah McMillan's vocal style is characterized by her clear, sweet, and angelic voice. She is known for her beautiful harmonies and heartfelt lyrics.

To learn to sing like Sarah McMillan, it's important to focus on honing your pitch accuracy and diaphragm control. Exercises like the pitch accuracy test, pitch training, and sustain vocal exercise can help improve your pitch accuracy and control.

Here are some of Sarah McMillan's most iconic songs that showcase her unique vocal technique:


Learning to sing like John Mark McMillan and Sarah McMillan requires practice, dedication, and a willingness to experiment with different vocal techniques. By incorporating the Singing Carrots resources mentioned in this article and studying the unique vocal styles of John Mark and Sarah McMillan, you can develop your own unique and emotive voice as a singer and songwriter.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.